Services: Photography

Photographs taken by Enigma Communications have been used to illustrate countless news stories, websites, advertorials, travel features and brochures

Enigma Communications improves your ‘image’

Our photography work complements the writing projects we undertake for clients. Enigma Communications provides striking images for:

  • Websites

  • Media articles

  • Social media

  • Brochures

  • Advertisements

  • Pop-up banners

  • Videos

  • Info packs

Photographs help increase your media presence

An attractive image submitted to a newspaper, along with a carefully crafted story about a company, makes a big impression.

Great pictures turn editors’ heads and can get you more coverage, both in terms of how much free editorial space the media gives to your news and where it appears.

The right words and pictures can get you a prominent position worth thousands of pounds in a newspaper.

We’ve even helped businesses to make front page headlines. Images can also be used online, helping you to reach a wider audience.

They provide added value on your own website news feed and social media channels too.

Pictures enhance your offering on websites and in marketing

Photographs serve an important function in brightening up not just news stories, but websites, flyers and brochures as well, adding more appeal to your business.

There are other advantages. Using quality photographs of your premises and employees on your main website pages allows you to stand out from your rivals. A site which includes exclusive, personal images can look more trustworthy than one which uses generic stock pictures to represent the business.

By using Enigma Communication’s photographic services, you also don’t have to worry about the serious consequences of infringing anyone’s copyright.

We take the pictures and supply them to you for your use. It’s that simple.

Images encourage engagement on social media

Images are a great way of interacting with potential customers on social media and getting them interested in your products and services. Strong pictures are regularly shared and retweeted, gaining you even more exposure.

We use high-quality Nikon digital equipment, and have decades of experience in photography.

Once the raw images have been captured on our cameras we process them digitally in Lightroom to ensure optimum quality.

Whatever your photography needs – whether it’s of your staff, offices and buildings, or your products, we can help. Enigma Communications has a large stock of photographs and also provides conceptual images/landscapes for illustrative use. Further examples of our photographic work can be seen in our portfolio section.

For more information about any of the services offered by Enigma Communications please call us on 07905 346599 or simply hit the button below to send us a message

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